Exporting your Tafi Avatar to VRChat

There are only 3 slots within the VRChat "Other" section for avatars. Therefore, users can only load 3 avatars at a time from the Tafi Avatar Creator. Below outlines the steps on how to export the Tafi Avatar into VRChat: 

Step 1: Select the “Save to VRChat” button located in the upper left corner.


Step 2: Pose the character, and select and choose a background color. Once everything is just right, select the “Camera” icon located at the bottom of the picture frame. 


Step 3: Type in the Name of your Character. 


Step 4: Select a save slot for the avatar to be saved into.


Step 5: Select the “FInish And Upload” button. After some handshakes between some servers happen, your freshly minted avatar can be found in the "Avatar" menu inside VRChat in the "Other" row. 


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